Club Mulgoa

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Along with the volcanic activity, there is mineral wealth in Indonesia. Strange that Japan should be so barren from a mineral point of view. But even the Japanese are starting to use robots to mine their seabeds.

My Indonesia stocks have done very well. What puzzles me is how come I have not invested more into that country. Today ARX announced before the market opens that it has found rich veins of gold. SIH has gone up a few folds while ROL kept finding more minerals. I am still waiting for HGO to commence drilling in Bird's Head in West Papua. Already landslips there are revealing mineral riches.

In Apr 2010 and Aug 2010, I put money into FNT. When I read the trenching grades, it has obviously stumbled into an El Dorado in PNG. Yet, no one seems interested. It has taken it a 'long' time to double in share price. The other company is GOA with mines in PNG and South America. There is worse investor apathy towards it.

I also topped up KRL twice recently. Sooner or later, someone is going to realise that there is a lot of coal in Kalimantan. Because I bought KRL pre-GFC, I am still at a loss but the gap has closed and once last month, became green.

For those interested in geography, Kalimantan is nearer to China and not flooded. But the coal quality is not as good as Aussie coking coal.

By the way, investor's apathy is my gold. It gives me time to accumulate money and to accumulate shares. So stay away from these stocks!

RB has an article each on Indonesia and PNG.


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