Club Mulgoa

Saturday, November 05, 2011


All are producing gold. The market cap for each is disproportionate to what revenue they generate or going to increase. All are finding more gold; all are going to increase production soon; none has reported awful news (KMC has a capital raising impending); POG has found a floor at USD$1600 per oz.

Even after producing their quarterly reports, the market still cannot value the company accordingly. And I am also puzzled by the confounding movement of the share price. LSA down then up. The other two are just down. Detail accounting assessment is beyond me so perhaps there are debts, poor profit generated in spite of good sales, options overhanging, board squabbling, litigation, impending cost, falling grades or deeper deposits requiring greater capital expenses, etc, etc. This kind of analysis requires some accounting background or scrutiny of the quarterly reports. I look at the bigger simple picture.

If POG is high, the cost of producing is steady and you have an increasing resource base, and you have been generating revenue every year, then that should translate into big profit. Yet, why is the share price for each of these stocks not rocketing upwards? I must be too naive. That is why anyone who reads my postings and buy without their own research, cannot be too smart (commercially) either!


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