Club Mulgoa

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

European woes

When the Asian Financial Crisis struck in the late 1990's, the Asians didn't protest on the street.  They took the punch and just went about working.  Most didn't decline taking IMF's or World Bank's bitter medicine.  Stock markets plunged (but my father continued buying!) then.

But look where Asia is today!

There is little doubt that the European market is huge and that is why its woes is troubling everyone.  So the ASX will also take a hit.... but more a slap than a punch.  China is the real financial big brother for Australia.

Until the Europeans learn that the centre of the world has shifted a bit further East, they will still continue to live like colonial masters, with slaves and colonies working to generate their wealth.  Em... what slaves?  What colony?  They have to work hard like everyone else.  And you have to serve to earn for your services.  Serve properly.


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