Club Mulgoa

Thursday, December 20, 2012


In the midst of a slaughter, I have one stock that rose 20% today.  This one had gone up and then down since I bought after a Proactive Investors Forum in Sept 2012.

Like many stocks that I buy, you think it should do well after reading their presentations.  The CEO gave very good argument why the company is worth a lot more, at least in the near future.  Yet, the market has its own assessment and worse still, its own sentiment and illogical trend.

However, once big boys are interested, then the real valuation comes to the fore.  Today, ABZ has opened its data room for 6 big boys to view and have taken them to visit their sites.  Once again, another Aussie stock is going on the cheap.  Crazy for Chinese companies not to make a move on many stocks listed on the ASX.


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