Club Mulgoa

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


While the resource sector was crumbling, there were some stocks that continued to produce good discoveries, good intake of partners.... or have evidence that its stock is far more valuable than its market capitalization or what its potential worth is.

In August 2014, I paid 6.5c for HIG after a good write up in The Australian to top up my disastrous holding, bought at between 23.5c and 37c in 2010.  At 6.5c, I could buy a bigger chunk of course.

And today, when I looked at the closing price yesterday at 12c, my net loss is less than $800 from almost a wipe-out excluding loss of interest in bank and secondary to inflation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


At $2.36 yesterday when the market was down, I collected some KAR shares.  I topped it up because it found another extension of its Brazillian offshore oil discovery.

Strange that the share price actually fell.  And I put a lower price but I didn't get it at close on Monday but I collect it this AM.  However, by the close, it has gone up by 10c.

Friday, April 10, 2015


In line with most resource stocks, GGG has tumbled a lot.  Yet, what it has is one of the largest rare earth metal discoveries, with uranium.  Took a long time but the Greenland parliament is supporting mining.

Then along came the Chinese and still the market would pay it no attention.  So at 5.8c, I bought some to top up.  I have not checked it as resource sector continues to disappoint.  However, not GGG... that little parcel has gone up by nearly 50%.  It is good to be a contrarian for the right reason.