Club Mulgoa

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Small caps...

When I was buying stocks for my super fund via a big city broker, because the firm only does research work on blue chips, the big caps dominated.

In the last 12 months, my small caps have now dominated the scene.  There were many that have fallen on the wayside as resource stocks plunged... but some have risen beyond expectations.  I also invested in technological stocks that have done well.

Yesterday, AFR had a section on small caps but I found it irritating because the article only gave 2 stocks away and both were under-performers.  None of the stock pickers from small cap funds gave anything away.  Anyone can make a statement that small caps will outperform so it is not news at all.

My star pick was GXY, GOR, EDE, AVB, ORE and NEA.   And I did pick WBC before it rose during the financial crisis and I had continued to buy SYD when it was tumbling to its trough.  Luckily for me, when a stock tumbles to nothing, you lose what you paid but when it rises dramatically, it can be a huge gain.  I won't be investing much in speculative shares as my retirement age approaches.

Thursday, June 01, 2017


Lithium is the new oil....

Some short sellers borrowed ORE shares (from idiots who lent to them) and then start terrible untruth about the stock AFTER selling those borrowed shares.  When suckers dump their shares based on fake news, the bastards buy the shares back at a cheaper price.  Then they return the borrowed shares back to the original owner, with a reduced market value.  The biggest suckers are the original owners!

My intention was to buy when I heard the CEO of ORE complaining but by then the share price has recovered from the trough so I didn't top up.