Why is the market underrating this stock when it announced such a great drilling result???
Why is the market underrating this stock when it announced such a great drilling result???
There are 5 Aussie companies that are the equivalent to the USA's FAANG. Today, I added ALU (31.67) and APX (22.05) to one portfolio, after watching their price fall in line with the market. All WAAAX share prices are overpriced. Am I making the right decision? I don't consider it to be gambling to lose because their progress has been good.
I was informed about KSN by that notifies me of small companies...
Is it true? At 0650h, the US markets are all down by 0.5% but the SPI is up 10 points. The price of gold is up a little, the price of minerals and oil are down a little... yet the ASX is expected to trade up at open.
New exciting area... in Paterson Region in WA.