Club Mulgoa

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Those 'funny' stocks know how to milk the markets.  You just have to mention that you are drilling or exploring for graphite and your share price will go up.  You can understand why just by reading the article.  But not all graphite explorers are the same....

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


From 2009 until January 2012, this was an unwanted stock.  Lots of hype, interspersed with good and some very disappointing news.  But because it has the biggest exploration tenements onshore in Australia, I wasn't concerned with some failures.

Recently there is a lot of turmoil in the company.  Lots of people want rapid rise in their share value but JH is a slow and steady achiever.  He has been dumped.

Today, I am at 70% profit but some of my early stocks were purchased at over 22c.  It is my faith in the stock that generated the profits; buying even when the share prices kept dipping further and further.  Because lots were bought at under 6.1c when it was discarded by many shareholders (idiots!), I have a big chunk of CTP, so big that it has moved into the top 6 in my super portfolio :-)   Part of that is because the others have fallen!

Today, it announced that oil has flowed to the surface!


I haven't looked at the share price of BKP.  This morning I noticed an announcement that Statoil is farming-in as a joint ventrue.  This is the biggest Norwegian oil and gas company.  And these people don't just buy purely as a gamble or hope.

Friday, June 15, 2012


At the "height" of the recent plunge in the ASX All Ords, I wrote that my best buy was PCL.  One idiot sold to me for 13.5c and I was delighted to collect that top up.  I could not believe it.

In less than 2 months, it has hit 19.5c.

If you feel that you have missed out on PCL, look at another two stocks with similar play, ie TPT and PVD.  All hype but the share price will rise and fall depending on farm-in partners and what is successful found near its tenement.

These are very high risk stocks so don't dabble if you cannot afford to lose... the lot.  But if you are a trader, these are great stocks to trade in.


You can be sure that Uncle Wayne and Aunty Julia have not read the above article.  Neither have 99.999999% of the rest of Australia.  Our two biggest money earners are iron ore and coal.  And one of them is going to be badly affected.  So why not invest in AKM?

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This stock is very similar to PCL.  All hype with nothing to show yet.  Yet, like PCL, there will be stock play for a long while.  It can go up a lot (like PCL) or it could swing downwards.

After attending a talk at a Proactive Investor seminar, there is going to be a similar trend as PCL.  For the time being, the share price is falling.  I got in at 30c and the price has gone even lower!  The jump will occur, like in PCL, when the big boys take an interest or a neighbour hits oil or gas.  That is the history of PCL.


Yesterday, good announcement and today, even better.  Yet since Nov 2011, the share price has been drifting DOWNWARDS.  Only in the last 2 days, has it started to turn upwards.  There have been so many good drilling results, yet shareholders are ditching their shares.

My last top up was in May 2012 at 3.9c.  The rise today does not match the excellent result.  There should be a gold rush!  And remember, AUD has fallen while POG has not dipped below USD$1500 per oz.  In fact, it is above USD$1600 per oz.

Thursday, June 07, 2012


Ben didn't want to confirm there will be a QE3 so the POG plunged.  In the short term, the logic taht normally prevails is determined by ephemeral factors... like whether the US is going to print money.  So today, gold stocks will fall.  That non-confirmation also caused stocks on Wall St to drop after a good rise.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Proactive Investor Seminar

Six companies presented this evening.  Unlike the usual seminar, I would put my money into 5/6 but since I  have  AXE, I will only top it up.  Hence, there are 4/6 that opened my eyes.  But it would be ridiculous to buy so many different ones.

All represent good values, and I had the opportunity to chat to 2 of the CEOs.  I like their answers to my queries.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012


If this article is true, then next year, the POG should rise.  Even private banks will be hoarding gold.  But such optimism is usually misplaced and Warren Buffett's wisdom should always be considered.  You would hope that some financial role for gold will propel the POG up but it won't be what the article anticipates.

Saturday, June 02, 2012


POG jumped by USD$66 per oz on Friday.  It is very easy to explain even though no one wrote about it.  The American economy is not progressing as well as it was expected.  While central banks are buying up gold to shore up their reserves, I suspect the Feds will be printing USD.  Why not?  People are either repatriating their USDs or people are buying USDs.  So print while you can!  With QE3, the value to gold will have to go up so while USD holds in value, then gold stocks will continue to do well.  On Monday, everything will fall but gold sectors will be cushioned.

Friday, June 01, 2012


That is not a small sum of money.  Wish I could do the same!  Market is not keen on this kind of gold stocks because no gold is actually sold.  I don't think VKA is a producer yet but it is finding more gold.  Not good enough say its sellers.  Yet why would the non-executive chairman buy more?

Lemmings buying gold

There is no such thing as a sudden need to turn to gold.  Warren Buffett says gold is a useless industrial product and he is not wrong.  But what he fails to comprehend is because of its relatively rarity and government cannot print or manufacture it, gold has been used for a long time as a value denominator.

But why has it suddenly jumped to over USD$1620 per oz?  This kind of leap can only be attributed to central banks or speculators or a very wealthy hoarder or two.  This kind of bounce is dreadful because it is artificial.  It will mean gold stocks will also rise on Monday but you really wonder why there is so much short term emphasis on POG.