Club Mulgoa

Monday, June 23, 2014


When you have a pure exploration stock telling you how much mineral(s) potentially there is(are) in its tenement, you will only believe it when the drilling is done.

What amazes me is when the drilling is done and on-going and the company has been dishing out good announcements, the share price actually falls soon after a good hit in the ground.  I sent a note to Robin Bromby at The Australian to see if he can shed any light.  He replied that it provides good opportunity for buying which I fully concurred!

I topped up BDR at 66.2c to see it slipping to below 60c.  It provided me with another opportunity to top up so I did at 58.5.  Today, with POG recovering (could be a temporary phenomenon), the share price this AM is 66.5c.  Of course, retrospectively, I wish I bought more when it fell below 60c...


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