Bought more new tech shares in the last 2 days...
One deals with shit, one with debt and one with payment. Of course, I was guided by recommendations from 'experts'. Whether I have been impulsive AND foolish, for buying near their individual high, I will only discover soon. However, I do feel silly.
What I like about all of them is their current performance and their prospect. This strategy is not always correct because expansion can suck up a lot of capital, worse still debt!
Don't join me in my risky adventure! Take your own risk!
I have been extremely lucky with EOS and PBH (again these were recommended by experts) but today, it plunged! Share price cannot keep going up way over the market average for days on end. I am happy that both have produced returns of around 100% and 50% respectively over 6-8 months.
Hoping for another good runs with these new tech stocks.