Club Mulgoa

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dead cat bounce?

Something tells me that the cat has nine lives. It looks like a kitten might be starting to purr again.

Whatever the reason, copper is moving up again. If the economies are dying around the world, copper inventories would pile up. No, it is falling so the price of copper is going up. Copper is one of the best markers for an economy that is booming again.

You need money to buy gold. The demand, especially in China is rising rapidly. There is money around.

Oil price rose because of expectation of a major confrontation in Iran. The Iranian government would be so stupid to take on NATO... and the rest of the oil producers that use the Straits of Hormuz. In fact, the Saudis are keeping the price of oil at around USD$100 per barrel and that will help with recoveries around the world.

American economy is slowly finding its feet. Plenty of blue chips reporting good or decent results. Where Ford and GM once nearly collapsed, they are profitable again.

Shale gas is bringing back life to decaying parts of the USA because of cheap energy. So cheap that shale gas companies are falling in price themselves.

European bonds have not tumbled and the Italian and Spanish governments were able to raise capital without having to pay exorbitant interests on them.

But re-enter the market only if you have got guts... and after you have done your own research. I buy throughout the cycle... but I am picky. Always looking out for idiotic or desperate sellers.


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