Club Mulgoa

Friday, March 13, 2015


This one is now becoming very interesting....

One must be aware that biotech stocks are one of the most difficult to invest in.  Many have great ideas or products.  But whether it makes profit for the shareholders depends on many factors.  And things can turn bad very quickly.

VLA has a fantastic thread to sell but if another company comes along and makes a better therapy or with less side-effects, it is the end of VLA.

However, of late, I suspect, a big company is interested in its product...  Australia can kiss goodbye to a great development in cancer therapy.


Blogger Shakeyone said...

VLA is a rare company for me - one of the very few in my little "speculative" portfolio to be going well. Recent strong rise maybe because trial results are to be presented in a few days time - good results expected as interim results were good. I wonder if something more is brewing though as this should already be factored in. Always suspicious of knowledge known by some but not the market in general.
Many of these biotechs seem to have great technology and products but so hard to pick the winners from the also-rans.

5:41 AM  

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