Club Mulgoa

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Health stocks

Unfortunately, when private hospital or private health fund owners earn a lot, the government interprets it as paying them too much with rebates, rather than because of good management or increased number of privately insured patients.

NIB made a 60+% rise in profit at last announcement.  Its members are not reimbursed beyond schedule which was frozen by Labor government and conveniently extended by the Coalition government to 2020.  Hence, it has been screwing its members!  And those screwed are not complaining!!  It is THE only big health fund in NSW that does not pay over the schedule fees for KNOWN-GAP scheme.

And with visible evidence that the number of private patients utilizing their private hospitals is falling, I can't see why profit won't fall.  Also, one listed private health fund has falling membership (quite drastically).


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