Club Mulgoa

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Warren Buffett said never buy any business that you don't understand.

But we all know that disruptors are around the corner and eating into the profit of established businesses.  How their software work and their modus operandi will be beyond most people.  If their profit is increasing, why ignore them?

Hence I bought into HUB today, based on an article I read on 20/11/17 in AFR.

And there is now WiseTech to consider, OneVue and NWL....


Blogger Club Mulgoa said...

Bought some disruptors today. Wise? Or foolish?

I bought into WTC which is not really a disruptor but a provider of logistic software. and it isn't small either. It is worth AUD$3 billion!

The other is NWL and I have already collected HUB.

To fund the acquisition, I sold off some bad losses... Whatever addition I make, I try to sell off more equities so that my list of holdings will diminish.

3:52 PM  
Blogger Club Mulgoa said...

With this group of stocks, I will be topping up regularly irrespective of its share price. I need a balance in my portfolio.

So far, of the three, one is stable and two are up :-)

11:48 PM  

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