Club Mulgoa

Friday, October 15, 2010

Markets retreating...

There have been lots of bad news from the USA. It has been enjoying the good life, courtesy of China. Then there is Greece and now the France. Lazy nations.

Luckily we are aligned with Asia for trading purposes. But this does not make us immune to European and American problems. It has been good for Wall Street in the last month but if the Fed does not start printing money in huge quantity, then the USA is going to run into further difficulty. But if it starts printing money, eventually, it will run into further problems too!

I think the Australian market is due for a correction. A lot of my recent purchases have run up in value and this is not sustainable. And the faster they rise, the quicker they fall. It is difficult to explain why they have gone up much faster. Perhaps good stock picking, perhaps luck. In the short term, it is difficult to attribute it to skill as much as I like to think it is purely because of my own research work.


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