Club Mulgoa

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rare Earth Elements

This is the hot topic at the moment because China is cutting down on its export and claims its own supply will only last "that long". So dirty miners wanting to increase its share price have been announcing REE findings in their tenements.

Watch out! The share price might climb but it will fall. Why? The demand for REE is not that big and it costs a lot of money to establish an environmentally unfriendly plant. Yet these are "strategic" minerals for industrialized nations. Only those with big deposits with prospect for development are worth considering. The new piddly ones are like dotcom startups.

My LYC has gone up >3.5X, GBE and NTU from big loss to >50% gain, GGG is >2.5X, and even RSL (riding on the back of GBE, topped up recently) has gone up although I am still at a loss with it. I used to have ARU but sold when it had a bad announcement. What a pity!


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