Aussie software...
When a software stock is available for sale, and no major company is interested, it stays off the radar... and underpriced. However, suddenly when Oracle wants it, everyone wants a piece of Australian software!
I have taken to Aussie software stocks in the last month. I don't really understand how they work but I do know their profit (the level and the duration). If their profits are increasing, it is difficult to ignore them!
I don't have shares in Aconex but I have bought about 5 new stocks... and they replaced energy or mining stocks.
In fact, there was another Aussie software company bought for just over AUD$1 billion...
When an upstart starts, it is worth nearly next to nothing... but most upstarts end up as nothing! And I am not brilliant enough to know which goes on to be a billion dollar outfit. For me, the best option is to look at established ones which had been making escalating profits over a few years. I don't even know how to dig... I rely on finance journalists or people writing about them.
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