Club Mulgoa

Friday, November 30, 2012


When you announce a profit downgrade or a bad exploration result these days, the share price will be mauled.  But if you announce a good profit and good prospect, you really wonder why the market is ignoring your statement.

I am not.  But I don't have spare cash in indulge.  The management said they would be performing well and lived up to expectation... but this is never enough!


When a company like GE comes knocking on your door, you know the offer will be too good to refuse.  At the same time, you know your business is a good now.  Because it is a listed company, you know that it will be taken over because there are a lot of short-term investors.  Hence I say goodbye to a good buy.  I made some profit out of IDL but with some regret.  Any good Aussie stock.... gone!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Proactive Investors Forum last night

There were plenty to choose from but some are too good to be true.

Eastern Iron is at <$2 per ton of Fe for its EV/Resource valuation.  Prominent ones are worth more than $90/ton.  I asked the CEO if there is a catch.

EZA sounds very upbeat about their future; its share price is 2x its float price.

TTN has already risen but it is promising the sun because it is mostly involved in CSG with many Tier One customers in its contracts.

AOK is going to produce more oil and it has good acreage in the USA.

SUH has got generous partner in Chile.. but I prefer some of my other stocks.

I sat next to the CEO of PCL.  I didn't know until he stood up to deliver the last presentation.  I asked him why his share price has fallen below what it was after it announced a successful gas discovery in offshore Kenya.  When I spoke to him later, he, like many mining stock CEOs, will tell you that people are under-valuing PCL.  There is going to be more analysis of its drilling and more drilling to be done around that area.  Today it has fallen further!  My impression is that this stock is worthy of stocking as he is extremely optimistic that evenly oil will be found based on seismic studies already done.  This is a high stake gambling stock.

Which would I buy?  EFE can wait as nothing much is going to happen. 

TTN is a slow and steady as she goes stock but it will be upway as the number of drilling and investment going on with liquid CSG projects, suggest this stock will remainly highly profitable.  I asked the CEO if the business is so profitable and there is so much demand for his service, why are there not more competitors and how is his company better than others.  Note that the share price has already gone off the trough a long time ago.

EZA sounds very exciting; almost over-optimistic.  I would put some money here if I have spare cash.

AOK is good and focused on production.

PCL for me, is worthy of topping up again now that the share price has tumbled so much.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gold stocks

Resource stocks continue to plunge.  In the meantime, I have to find a lot of money to exercise my PIROA options into ordinary shares otherwise they are worth nothing after 31/12/2012.  I bought them at a very low price and they have jumped to $1.40 to $1.70 recently.  So it is one of my current star performers.  But for long?  It is in western Mali, a country on the verge of a split due to rebels and Al Qaeda intrusion.

I have sold some soon after the political trouble but it kept going up!

 I still maintain this is a great time to buy gold stocks because if you look at the logic, the producers will be making a lot of profit.  At the moment, investors are thinking with their sentiment rather than their logic.


There are investors in the market out there with a cane.  If you have a good announcement, just good but not brilliant, then nothing happens to you.  But if you make an unsatisfactorily one, then the cane will just rain down on you.  MEO found gas but with the current hole, the gas is only seeping out slowly suggesting that the porosity is poor.  The gas is there but you can't extract it.  So the share price gets hammered.  But like everything in O&G exploration, most drilling expeditions come out with uneconomical results.  So you wait for just that ONE hit to compensation for the other losses.

... so waiting for my big one!

Monday, November 26, 2012


POG is over USD$1700 per oz and for most gold miners, it costs around USD$800 per oz to produce the ingots.  While the POG has been rosy, the share price of gold miners, including producers, have been tumbling.  How investors think is simply mind boggling.

Today in The Australian, one journalist reports that OCG and RRL will be generating strong cashflow, while MML, PRU and GRY might be tasty for acquirers.  And lots of cash is going to be produced yet with all these figures, investors are shunning gold stocks.  These are only 5 stocks but there are many, many more!  Just make sure Uncle Wayne and Aunty Julia do not go sniffing around like male dogs when a bitch is in heat.


Recently it announced a share placement and a rights issue or SPP.  The price was below prevailing market price.  The market didn't like it at all and caused the share price to plunge.  There is no other bad news other than the dilutive effect, benefiting the institutions and sophisticated investors.  I topped up when it fell below the offer price.  But CDU board cancelled the offering due to the damaging plunge in share price.

Today, it has gone to $4.48.  You just got to love those idiots who discard their shares due to market sentiment.  In the stock market, you deal with your head, not the heart.  And avoid using the brown matter in the rectum.

While I have a 30% profit to boast, I still have parcels bought over the current price.  However, when production actually starts, I can expect a nice boost to the share price.  And there will be more exploratory drilling results to come too.  Most of my recent top-ups were after good announcements from drilling.


This is perhaps the only spectacular SPP in recent time other than CTP earlier this year.  The SPP for TPT was priced at 28c and is how heading towards 45c within a month.  But when a SPP is this good, it usually means you won't get the lot you asked for.  But with just about 55% that was allocated, it is still a very nice profit!

But never touch this kind of stock unless you are prepared for heavy losses if no oil is found or there is political interference in the process.


BPT must be one of the most "despised" mature oil and gas stocks on the market.  STO is in the same club but STO has a mixed bag of good and bad announcements.  But BPT has been pumping out great statements.  It has not discovered billion barrels of oil anywhere; it is progressive plodder.  Even when it announces that things are looking up, the ASX has no faith in its prediction.

Yet when you look at today's article in The Australian (if you are a subscriber), you will note that the big boys are knocking at its door to join in at its Tanzanian adventure.  The average fund managers and retail investors might not be keen but the companies with interest in O&G are.  Hopefully, this will reflect in some outperformance in its share price.  Often you have to wait until an oil discovery is announced; and not just a piddly one.

I have purchased 11 parcels of this stock, last one in Aug 2012 when a good profit announcement was met with disdain.


It found a nice copper lode in Kazakhstan.  But it also attracted the politicians/corrupt officials.  And once government starts to interfere, then you know it is going to be bad.  Basically, you spend and find the minerals and we will now take over.  You can go home to where you came from.

When GTE trades again on the ASX, it will be savaged.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Don't buy a yoyo.  Just watch the POG.  It used to be a hedge but now it is a fiscal toy.

Never buy gold on a day like yesterday where it went up over USD$1750 per oz.   Pick the day when it crumbles below $1700 per oz and then wait for a day like yesterday.  Hence, on Monday, how can I not collect alpha?  I am laden with gold stocks...


The Chinese PMI went up but the world is not buying as much goods.  Wall Street went up but the Yankees are trying to deal with their ever growing debt.  South Europeans only know how to protest when told they have to start working harder and pay their taxes.  Even the French has been downgraded.

The Middle East remains embroiled in tit for tat skirmishes.

But the markets think the trough has been reached.

The logic just does not add up...  But then as one would say sarcastically, the fund managers and stock tippers know best and they get paid whether the markets go up or down.  Meanwhile, I am waiting for IDL to be transformed into cash by the GE takeover.  Another good Aussie stock vapourizing...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

China PMI

Today, the stock markets around the world are firing.  And will do so tomorrow except that Wall Street is closed for Thanksgiving holiday.  Why?  While Chinese stock market is small, its economy is big.  And if its manufacturing cylinders are firing, then Australia can benefit.  The difference this time is, it is due to internal economy.  The world is not importing as much so the rise in PMI is due to government stimulus.  Will it be sustained?  Inshallah!

Another point is there have been tipsters predicting that the resource sector will plunge further.  But nothing is ever certain.  Those people could still be right.  But you never know when recovery will start.  And if the fiscal cliff in the USA is temporarily fixed, then the sky is blue again... for a short while.


Lots of bragging today but the exploration result is nothing that spectacular.  Well, who cares as long as the share price rise.  But the rise is not justifiable and hyperbole is questionable.  So when the dust has settled, CDU will land back on earth again.  My point is why sometimes a mediocre announcement is made and the market likes it.  At other times, a stock can make a fantastic discovery and nothing much happens.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Earlier this year, the commissioning was supposed to be in August 2012.  Now, it is December before the year end.  If that is true, then I can expect a lift in the share price.  Until profit is made, a mining exploration stock is very much a gamble.  It has to get a tenement, survey, drill, do feasibility studies after determining the size of the deposit, get the finances, build the processing plant/sell the mineral and announce a profit.

I am lucky I dipped into BDR a long time ago and took opportunities to buy when it fell even after good announcements.  So is one very successful stock based on my logic without management telling fibs.


Many, many years ago, WMC was drilling around Olympic Dam and found nothing until the last drilling.  And then in Carapeteena, 'nearby', it was the same.  Both are large finds and only uncovered deep in the ground at the last exploratory drilling.

Today, TAS will be murdered in the stock exchange for finding 620m of IOCGU type material which does not contain the minerals!  This is the second drilling.  Luckily RIO is paying for the job.  There is another drilling to be done....

Monday, November 19, 2012


This tipster is one of the best.  He doesn't just recommend but he gives the reasons why.

Why AZM keeps falling?  He has no idea either but this kind of stock is the best to buy in my opinion.


When CTP got to 16c recently after Total farmed-in, I bought some but it went lower!

When CDU share price fell below the SPP, I also bought some but it went lower, too!

Today, CTP got back to 16c and CDU went over my recent purchase price.  No point saying "I told you so" because the markets are still deeply troubled.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Don't buy any ABU shares today.  It has to go up.  And I cannot believe this is not Lasseter's reef.

But in the next few days, it will drift lower again.  This has been the trend each time a fantastic announcement was made.

Resource bears

Looks like even the optimistic bulls have turned bearish.  Trouble with the markets is... you never know for sure where the turning point is.  In times like this, I will be cautious.  I will still buy but only when there is absolute bargains.  And sell if there is takeover premium.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


When you read their hype, it is nearly impossible to ignore all the oil and gas explorers who claim to have lots of hydrocarbons in their tenements.  Some actually find them but most don't.

But if someone else is pumping money into a stock, then the other investors will just pile in.  Yesterday, FMG decided to take an interest in OBL so the share price jumped up.  At least OBL has found something but cannot confirm their resource yet.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To sell or not to sell

Not me.  Market can come down and market can go up.  Longer term, it would still be the best form of investment.

My portfolios have been doing badly lately as the markets around the world are crumbling.  But if you sell now, you don't know where the trough is.  I will still top up what I consider to have good prospect, profitable or oversold.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


A lot of racists make remarks by starting with "I'm not a racist but.... " but they are bloody blatant racists.

Today, the WA and Federal governments have granted the Chinese some land within the Ord River Scheme to function as its food bowl.  So you have the Nationals and some Liberals jumping up and down over the purchase of irrigated agricultural land by the Chinese.  I wonder why no one made noise when a British lord bought huge swathe of land in WA a long time ago.  He is the mistaken subject of a current controversy in BBC.  And in The Australian, there is an insulting cartoon with a food bowl shaped like Australia (without Tasmania!) with a pair of chopsticks.  I wonder what Wendy Deng has to say...  It is her husband's newspaper.

If no one else wants to pay for that land at whatever price the government wants and a Chinese investor moves in, you cannot help but question whether xenophobia is part of the reason why.  Likewise, the Chinese would also want to buy Aussie resource stocks too as they are so cheap by world standard.


If this dips another 0.1c, I will collect a small parcel.  How can anyone sell this stock?  But who cares!  With such good exploration results, and I expect more to come, it really puzzles me how people decide to sell.  Perhaps, they bought a lot when it was worth next to nothing.  But why sell when it has a great future?  But who cares!


Yesterday, I picked up a small parcel of CDU.  When I exercise my PIROA options at the end of this year, I will have to sell some shares.

This morning, it fell further.  This is where those institutions and sophisticated investors, who were privileged to buy at a cheaper price than prevailing, would be really annoyed!  I bought because it went much lower than $4.30 but it has gone below $4.

WM, the chairman is very cunning.  You will find that just before the closure date for the pending SPP, he will release some excellent drilling results... and it will make CDU irresistible.  His modus operandi is famous or rather infamous.

Monday, November 12, 2012


It raised money recently and market is always suspicious why capital is required.  But it raised at $4.30 from institutions and sophisticated investors.  Today, the share price has plunged to $4.00.  Ouch!  But it is on the verge of being a producer... and more minerals have been uncovered.  Either the big boys don't understand or this is a bad stock to hold.  You will only know the answer when profit or loss is announced or when a Chinese company comes knocking on the door.

How low can the market keep falling?

It will continue to drop while the fiscal cliff exists....

Today, the POG is still over USD$1700 per oz and AUD remains at USD$1.02-1.04 or thereabout.  This has been pretty stable for a few months.  Yet gold stocks have plummeted.

For me, it is a question of when do I start buying.  There is very little cash in portfolio but if I beg, I might get some dough from my boss.  I am still waiting for some refund.  There are a couple of takeovers in the air including CGX and IDL.  Both of these will go through within the next 2 months.


It is very puzzling that Total paid much higher $/acre to farm into some of CTP's tenements than the other big boys, yet, the share price has been falling since that announcement.

I dropped my buying price to 16c a few days ago and I didn't want to change it last night.  I knew that there is a pretty good chance of rounding up my stock number today and... I did.  Uncle Wayne and Aunty Julia does not allow me to top up my super like in the past so I have very little cash left.

Friday, November 09, 2012


Kerry Packer used to be the richest man in Australia.  But the rise of mining industry and the fall in the value of a media company (eroded by the Internet) transformed his son into a relative pauper.

Yet James is a smarter investor than his father.  Kerry loses money indulging in gambling in casinos.  James buys into casinos.

Well, I don't do gambling to lose money.  But plenty of people do.  So when I read how many customers JIN has been signing up in increasing numbers, I bought its shares recently in May 2012 and it is up 38%.  This will not perform like a mining stock.  I expect it will be a slow rise, a fast rise, a slow rise, a slow rise... until it is taken over by a much bigger boy.


This stock is not dependent on the vulgarities of the coal market.  It provides blasting service, not for exploration, but for existing mines.  And even more fascinating, it is providing service for a service contractor!  At a Proactive Investors Forum, I asked the CEO, if its mining service is so highly profitable why doesn't LEI or BHP take over that role?

With the answer he gave, and the numbers he showed during the presentation, I bought some stocks the next day.  Again, I don't have spare cash but this is one stock I would love to top up.  The profit figures will speak for itself.


None of these are are samples of my "bad" stocks.  All have fallen a lot.  But none are really bad; it is market that does not want them.  Hence, a Chinese company swooping in would find these stocks dirt cheap for what they have or have uncovered.  I have no intention of selling any.  My only regret is not have lots of spare cash to top them up.

After the GFC, some of my stocks were worth almost next to nothing.  If I had sold, it would have been a disaster financially.  Those that I topped up during this period, pulled down my average buying price and made it less painful now.  Not all are profitable but certainly less painful.

Over time, many stocks continue to fall.  What disappoints me the most is why gold stocks are falling when the POG and AUD are generally favourable.  However, the reality is... until a gold miner actually produces a profit, it is merely a piece of ownership paper.  Stocks like NST, PRU, SLR, LSA will continue to perform well... there is money in them gold ingots!


Those who bought IGR must feel happier now.  It went up, then down and then up again with SLR proposing a take over.  I am happy.  Both are well-run.


There are very many lazy investors in the market who paid a lot of money for doing nothing much other than follow indices.  Today, IDL has been taken out of the ASX because GE has bought it over.  In its place is NST.  So tomorrow, NST has to be included in some portfolio.  If the US market does not fall tonight, then on Monday NST will jump.


You buy the SPP at 28c a piece but today in a down market, you can sell it for 44c.  And I get to keep 52% of what I applied for.  That means for $7800 I put in last week, in a couple of weeks, it is worth another $4400 or thereabout.  Nice money if you can get the opportunity!  All I did was do the begging (from wife) for the dough and enter the BPay details.


If everything that is said about this company is true, every brakes in the world on heavy vehicles should be replaced by ABV special brakes.  It started with mining 4WD and now garbage trucks.

If the replacement gathers pace, then this stock will perform miracles.  Trouble is miracles rare happen.  The proof of the pudding is in its profit statement.  So far, I am 26% in profit after more than 4 years so it isn't a great score.  But perhaps, with such good prospect, I should be topping up.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

DJ and POG

For a while now, the POG has strangely been following Wall Street.  Yet it is supposed to be a hedge.  However, gold is easier to manipulate than the stock market but only for the short term.

As DJ continues to fall as the market does not like an Obama victory, PG is holding up, in fact moving higher.  The money printing press must be going full belt according for the AUD holding up too.


Sometimes when you sit and listen to the CEO presenting his/her company at Proactive Investors Forum, you can sense which one is trying to sell you trash and which one is telling you that the company is really worth investing in.  The trashier the stock, the more elusive and the history or events are very vague.

I was very impressed with SLR so I bought my first parcel after the presentation and topped up 3 more times because share price fell or never went up.  The news is good and I have always like Our Man In Oz's opinion.  Two years from the first parcel, it is up over 50% paper profit.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Today, it announced its SPP was heavily oversubscribed.  It was only looking for $800,000 from SPP but decided to increase it to $2 million.  I will collect 52% of what I applied, ie pro rata for everyone.

I hate placements where some people and institutions get cheaper and priority for those shares.  However, in this case, it does not matter.  Because as a small shareholder, I topped up using the SPP which was also offered.  And I collected a big chunk of my total number of shares via the SPP.

Will it do well today?  Well, the share price is 37c so it has a long way to fall to 28c   :-)   Whether this euphoria lasts depends on who the JV partner is going to be, how much it is feeding into the company and most importantly, whether oil is found.  Gas is not so exciting anymore.

Simple logic

A few days ago, DJI suddenly went up just before the election as bookies confirmed that BO's odds are improving and there was a bit more certainty.  But why should the economy improve?  This has no logic and I didn't believe in such rubbish.

All American and European problems are still there.  BO's energy had been channeled into campaigning but the real issue is bad employment figures and the huge USA debt.  And now China is reeling significantly too as its main markets, USA, EU and Japan are all suffering.  And even better, China is picking a fight with Japan over territorial issue.  Australia the shar-pei will perform as its masters hint it to do so...


For nothing obvious to a little investor like me, you ponder why the POG went to below USD$1680 per oz in the last week and then rebound to USD$1720 per oz last night.  You wonder if there was another Gordon Brown lurking around somewhere.  Perhaps not all central bankers are intelligent people.  Some idiots have been selling their gold cheaper.

Of course, the POG can plunge again making those idiots look smart.  But POG should not move at that percentage unless there is a reason.  Hence, my suspicion that it is a speculator, an idiot or someone desperate for a huge amount of cash.

While today, markets around the world will tumble by a huge amount, I suspect with a bias towards gold stocks, I might suffer a little less.  You cannot rationalize with market sentiment but it is good that gold was a hedge last night against a crumbling stock market in the USA.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


I applied for my entitlements plus more.  Well I didn't get all the "plus more" but I got some.  They were issued at 1c and worth 1.5c on the market.  Of course, if you sell you won't get 1.5c for all and neither can you buy at 1.5c.

If you buy this stock, it will jump only if a big boy moves into a JV partnership and pays a lot for the privilege.  To wait for drilling result will test your patience.


There was nothing very clever when I bought into MAT.  In an AZX investor presentation, it had the cheapest EV/OzAu value.  So I bought.  It isn't a brilliant strategy but it rarely results in a severe loss because of its value.  And if other investors notice it, or further good exploration results are announced, then the share price will fly.

But with MAT, it was pure luck when it comes to share price appreciating.  I can no longer have the opportunity to buy it cheaply due to nearology to SIR.  SIR was worth only a few cents until it discovered a huge nickel load.  Within a day of that announcement, investors were buying neighbouring tenements.  And MAT was the one in line...

Perhaps, I should have bought even after the initial appreciation because it has been rising a lot in the last week.  The management has shifted its attention to this tenement because someone has done the hard work of uncovering a mineral lode.  It just have to dig near to confirm its extension.  So far, the preliminary results are enticing.  74% up within 18 months, with more to come  :-)


After all the comments and write-ups (including one by a stockbroker), CTP share price has slipped this afternoon.  If anyone wants to sell at 16c, I am waiting to top up...

If this stock has poor prospect, you wonder why Santos and Total are moving into joint ventures with it, and paying for a higher proportion of exploring.  Of course, if CTP does it all by itself, it will eventually be a wealthier company.  But to explore an area as large as Victoria will stretch even BHP.

Market rallies

Just because the bookies are betting on an Obama win, the markets rise?  What kind of economic reason is that?  Hence today's jump around the world is likely to be a short-lived euphoria.  Even POG climbs back over USD$1700 per oz so I expect my portfolio to do better than average today.

I am very tight with my cash otherwise I would have plunged back into ABU and CTP.  Money for the TPT's SPP will be tied up for a while.  I don't expect to get the maximum number of shares as the raising is very small.


Very strange thing happened today.   And then nothing seems to have happened at the close of day.  Yet, something did happen.  Total surprise.  Yes, the French oil and gas giant Total.  I was at work so I couldn't trade.  But when it fell, I was calculating how many CTP shares I should top up in my head.

When a stock broker eventually calculated how much Total was paying a acre for the JV, then you realize that that price is going to go up and up with time.  But that is only if there is success with drilling.

Monday, November 05, 2012


The share price plunged today.  Why?  Eritrean government coming up with a different set of rules!  But it is also obvious that the stock can still make money!

It is very common in the developing world to sound differently when asking for exploration.  When the deposit is found, a new rule is hatched.  There is no recourse to any justice.  In Norway, it is obvious before you explore.  The government announced that it takes 50% of whatever you find.

Sunday, November 04, 2012


I topped up recently during a SPP and again when a good drilling result was announced.  And today, another good result from Sumatra... and I am heading towards neutral zone.  Hopefully, with more good results, I can end up in paper profit zone again!


You can manipulate the POG... but within any central bank or speculator, you can only move POG by that much.  If it continues to fall, it is because demand is tapering off.  And likewise, if POG keeps moving up.  And in either direction, there will be a balance.  Where is POG heading?  No one knows.  However because you cannot create nor print gold, you will know eventually which way it is heading based on the supply-demand equation.

My portfolios have fallen badly but I have no intention of selling anything at the moment.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

POG plunged

Big fall in the POG in New York on Friday.  That usually means a central bank has sold a large amount of gold.  Usually, it springs back as there is still a huge demand in China for the yellow metal.  But who knows?!

For the price to plunge, it isn't a matter of supply-demand balance; it is due to a desperate big seller or lots of speculators acting under one umbrella.

I am not selling...

Friday, November 02, 2012


This is next door to China but under Mongolian laws.  That is bad news at the moment.  The government is immature and after encouraging investment in the mining industry, the government starts to sing in a different tune when rich deposits are uncovered.

AKM has great coking coal discovery there but it is very difficult to develop and government changes the rules. And China is a very manipulative customer too.  Hence, while it is now classified as a Tier One investment for the size of its deposit, its share price is hovering low.  For how long, for how low, it is inshallah!


As has happened many times before, it rises when there is good news but not spectacularly nor proportionately to how good the drilling result is.  And then it drifts downwards.  And today, it again hit 5.0c.

Why investors sell is always fascinating with this stock.  You can understand when people dump on bad news.  But this stock has continuously pumped good announcements and after a while, it gets dumped.  Who are these people?

Thursday, November 01, 2012

The art of topping up

CHN was first bought in early 2011.  It was a high risk stock and it took a plunge.  Since then it has sold its prime asset in Eritrea to the Chinese for cash.  That cash was worth 32c per share and the stock is only valued at 20.5c when I topped it up in May 2012.  The debt level was I recall very low.  Hence if the company was to be liquidated, I would make instant cash profit without even selling its rights to other tenements.

Today, it is worth 29c.  If I didn't top up with a bigger parcel in May 2012 when the stock has got cash value worth more its share price, then I would have suffered a much bigger loss.  Of course, if I had a lot of spare cash, I would have bought even more!  Who would give you 32c when you pay 20.5c?  This is no art at all, just simple arithmetic that even my father with only 2 years of schooling could see as value for money.


This is one of my blue chip stocks, accumulated between 2005 to 2009.  The last purchase was a SPP offer.

The announcement this evening after close of business is fantastic, with 70m interval of "elevated gas and oil show" at just over 3100m deep.  But this deposit is in Kurdistan so it isn't a politically stable area.  It is brave of the drilling team to go there.

It has increased by 50% to over 200% depending on which parcel I bought.  I stopped buying because the share price has been appreciating!  Hence it is a significant portion of my portfolio at GSJBWere.  This portfolio is almost dead as I rarely buy or sell as it is expensive to deal with big city brokers.  One day soon, I will also close it as I have nothing to gain as a small private investor.