Club Mulgoa

Thursday, January 18, 2018


It defies convention...

SYD reported an increasing number of people using Sydney Airport today, yet the share price went down.  Maybe, the selling investors were expecting even larger number of travelers after reported record number of passengers during December around the Xmas/NY period.

Pity I haven't sold anything these few days and those that I have sold have been used to purchase other shares.  One of my logic in investment is to buy when others are dumping... when there is good news.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Not the best day on the market today considering DJ went up by more than 1% but ASX fell by a few points.

However, what I feel good about today is when a stock has improved a lot based on my logic.  When I bought into it, my research showed and its announcements are all about ESCALATING channeling of new contributions into its fund management business.

As usual, what I buy often comes down.  It stayed unimpressive for the last 2 months.  My other logic is to buy when others are selling.  That is, on a day when it has a bigger fall than the average, I top up.  Today, with the announcement that it is still getting accelerated amount of contributions, the market listened.  Sometimes, this only lasts for a few days and the share price starts to drift downwards again!

Monday, January 15, 2018


Australians love credit.  And as a kid, Malays too!  Credit induces spending without much thought given to the difficult future of having to deal with the COST of debt.

What APT has is the ability to manage the ability to repay, only giving more micro-credit if past debts were settled.

Hence, in Australia, within the last 2 years of operation, it is escalating its turnover to possibly over $1 billion.  And now, an American equity fund has bought additional shares in the company and to fund an expansion into the biggest market of all... the USA.  Because the purchase was bought far higher than prevailing market price, the share has leapt today.  I am glad I jumped into this stock only a week ago.  In fact, I topped up a few days ago using one of my modus operandi...  I top up when investors are dumping for no good reason.


With some stocks, I don't pay too much attention other than glancing at its share price to make sure I haven't missed any bounce or plunge... but happy with just being steady or with minor rises.

It has been reported that it is buying a Vale divestment where it already has a productive copper/gold mine.  That sounds like good news.  AVB has already risen by >60% but I expect a nicer increment with the news and its anticipated productivity.  The management has been effective.

Sunday, January 14, 2018


I have never heard of it but a fund manager with a good reputation has given it a thumbs up sign so I bought into it.  A small parcel.

It seems to be quite pervasive in the audio technology world so I decided to pump some money into it.  Technology stocks are difficult to evaluate so I will see if the recommendation is right! 

Topping ups... the strategy

I like topping up when people are dumping good stocks.  I have no idea why NXT and SYD are being discarded.  So I have some miners which are heavy losses with no improvement but not worsening either.  I got rid of one today and used the proceed to top up NXT and SYD.

Both are making profits and SYD continues to make good announcements.  Its latest is the changeover of CEO.  The previous one is great but no idea why the new one should usher in a share price fall.  Last December, Sydney Airport was the busiest ever!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I rarely invest for the short term where logic does not apply. And I can't compete with insiders, smarter investors and resourceful fund managers. So when logic works in the short term, it is most rewarding and satisfying!

Only minor problem is I don't know how rewarding it is! This miner wanted to raise capital; normally that is bad news because a selected few get to buy at a much lower price. I am NOT one of the selected few; usually the big funds or board members. This particular miner extended the offer to all their investors in a share purchase plan. I plunged in immediately but it won't tell me how many shares I am allocated until another week at least.

When its exploratory success has been so tantalising, it is crazy not to support the management! And today, it found another nice vein of gold :-) and the price of gold has been going up.

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Little non-treats...

Those who wanted to buy Bitcoin or asked about Bitcoin investment do not buy me a coffee for telling them not to invest in it. Their potential loss is not seen as relative 'paper' gain.  Of course, if you had invested before housewives or retirees became interested, you would have done very well; in fact a huge paper gain.

Those who didn't buy what I bought or topped up do not buy me coffee either because they missed out on some very spectacular gains.  Lithium, cobalt (sold), FBR and even BHP and RIO have done well.  I was trying to latch onto vanadium stocks but they have bolted too.

Those who bought what I topped up won't be buying me coffee either!

Nice to know I have had an incredible run recently but the market can change suddenly...  When the market rises, you want to rise more.  When the market falls, you want to fall LESS.

Monday, January 08, 2018


I have currently been lucky with lithium.  From a stock that looks like going into oblivion, GXY has become my most valuable stock in our super fund portfolio.

I  had another stock also in lithium that was swallowed up by GXY; it was its partner at Mt Catlin.  So the old GMM jumped twice after its revival following its withdrawal from Mongolia.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Bad news for cobalt miners

How does one keep up with technological changes? Cobalt is needed in lithium cells. Is it? The latest is that it can now be replaced by the much cheaper (but heavier) iron.

I only accidentally came across that news yesterday so today, I got rid of all my cobalt shares...  They collectively has made me phenomenal profit within 3 months.  I have transferred the sales into buying/topping up technological stocks.

Last week, a company had to 'advertised' their mishap with their cold storage, resulting in food poisoning.  So I bought shares in a company that has found a niche in monitoring refrigeration to avoid dangerous errors when faults occur without the owner knowing.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Super Fund average performance for 2017

According to The Financial Review today, the average Super Fund performance was a 'great' 10.5%.  I looked at the charts for ASX20, ASX50, ASX100, ASX200 and when I got to ASX300, it shows that it is the ASX300 which outperformed.

Yet most super funds are heavily invested in the big stocks.  Hence only those which invested in the low end of town would have significant alpha.  Perhaps, the super fund index is calculated with income included which is not shown in the index charts.