Club Mulgoa

Monday, January 03, 2011


Incidentally, someone heard my ranting in the cyberspace. It went from 12c to 14.5. So what is the best share to buy tomorrow of the 3 stocks mentioned for 2011 by me? BSR. It went down today! The other two should have been bought this AM before the market opened at the opening price.

Whosoever read this note, acknowledge and please leave a remark. I think I only get 1 rare reader and the occasional straggler, a tornado. I am expecting zilch. I am my only reader!


Blogger Shakeyone said...

You're not quite talking to yourself. I often read but a bit slack at commenting. GMM is now back above my buy today. BSR still languishing.

Pity I'm limited to super contributions. Too many choices and then have to decide whether to sell to buy or hang on. Thinking about getting rid of some CQT as overweight with recent lovely top up. That could fund a couple more buys!

11:39 PM  
Blogger Club Mulgoa said...

Tony you must be crazy to read my rantings!

If the price of a stock falls, and you think the company is good, you top it up unless bad or impending bad news accounts for the fall. I kept topping up BSR but the share price kept falling. I have a buy at 13c, set when it was at 14c.

When I got my big cash from Citibank, I put it all in the small miners. It is quite unbelievable how many stocks that I bought or topped up that went up by >30% since Sept 2010.

Surprise, surprise, actually a lot of the good performers were those I posted. And the jump were mostly after my notes.

From equity, I earned nearly triple what I made in anaesthesia last quarter while the market was up at most by 10% (from trough to peak).

2:19 AM  

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